Archive for December 24th, 2015

Some Venezuelan Christmas Mysteries

December 24, 2015


Ah! It’s Christmas. At last we can relax for a couple of days and think about nice things, enjoy family and toast to life!

So, while you are relaxing, I leave you with these Venezuelan Christmas mysteries, in no particular order:

-Why do hallacas have capers in them, if we don’t have them in Venezuela?

-Why did Chávez choose Maduro?

-Corolary: Why did Cabello not fight Maduro once Chávez died and later he staked his future on Maduro’s fate?

-Why do some Venezuelans follow Niño Jesus, others San Nicolas and then some Santa Claus?

-Does anyone who is not Venezuelan understand what Gaitas have to do with Christmas?

-And why are nacimientos (nativities) shrinking?

-And why do Venezuelans celebrate the night before Christmas and sleep and watch movies on the 25th.?

-And what’s the true story with the attempt to revoke 22 elected Deputies at the Supreme Court this week? Did it happen or not?

-Does anyone remember that people would paint their houses right before Christmas or was that a family tradition?

-Have you ever seen a “Furruco” factory?

-And why is midnight mass called Misa de Gallo (Rooster’s Mass)?

And on that note, Merry Christmas to all the readers. Thank you for reading, commenting and hanging on for so long. That Santa Claus, San Nicolas, El Niño Jesús (Yes!) brings you everything you wanted and don’t drink too much Ponche Crema (Or do!).

Best from the Devil!