A Post Dedicated To Your Dani

June 11, 2015


Your Dani explaining how he listens to the opposition in his “democratic” world

I think that there are few people as despicable as Jorge Giordani in the destruction of Venezuela by Chavismo. The guy has no shame and comes out to speak up and criticize the chosen one, Nicolas Maduro, as if Maduro got there on his own. I was making a commented translation of the interview with Giordani (His words in bold, my comments in italics, not bold), when I saw the great article by that brilliant genius, Laureano Marquez, in which he defends Maduro against “Your Dany’s” attacks. I had to copy that name…

Here is the interview in English (bold) and my instant comments (italics) on everything Your Dany said or was said about him. With my comments, the interview becomes the truth. And, as we all known, the truth shall make you free! Enjoy!

Some call him “The Monk”, perhaps because of its austere and simple life, without extravagance and lack of luxuries. (He vigorously defended buying a luxurious Airbus for Chávez, to be “comfortable”) Tall, thin and reddish, at 75, he confesses to being a scholar (Can he list his publications that have had any scholarly impact? I think there are none, like in zero. He thinks he is a scholar because he reads a lot) and reader at the moment he is re-reading “Don Quixote”. He arrives on time for our appointment, on Wednesday, May 28, accompanied by one of his great friends, Professor Hector Navarro (Another scholarly fake! He brought us the half an hour time change, a costly and useless whim with little redeeming value).

Jorge Giordani, of Dominican origin
(He should have stayed in his birth place of San Pedro de Macoriz and become a ball player, just as his idol Chávez should have), with characteristic gestures of a real Caraqueño (Born in San Pedro de Macoriz?), he talks like a typical Venezuelan. Born June 30, 1940 in San Francisco de Macoris, Giordani, begins to recall events from his own story, he moved to a trip to the past, “a flashback,” starting with the lives of his parents, Primo Giordani, his father, an Italian Communist (How did he inherit his empty and failed ideology?) who was part of the Garibaldi Brigade  (always a loser) during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) and his mother, a young Spanish  music and pharmacy student. The Giordani’s  were forced out of Spain (Our loss! They were right, their gain!) through the Pyrenees, which was a painful and long journey in winter, with a child (Not Your Dany)  in her arms, his older brother, to reach a concentration camp in France, where housed refugees from the war in the neighboring country. At the time, they managed to embark to America, the Dominican Republic, from where they emigrated to Venezuela in the 40s (Which means he was like ten years old when he got here, so much for a real caraqueño, no?), the country in which they settled since (Unfortunately!).

He studied in the Escuela Experimental Venezuela and the Liceo Andres Bello, then goes to Italy to study electrical engineering at the University of Bologna.
(A tough and hard life in democratic Venezuela before Chávez). A graduate degree (After he was fired from CANTV, another accident of history, which he fails to mention!) in Development Planning at the Centre for Development Studies (CENDES) of UCV and obtained a doctorate (paid by the State!) at Sussex University (on Urban Planning!) in England. (Note he never studied Economics in his life, but he ran the Venezuelan Economy for 14 years!). He is retired professor of the Central University of Venezuela (He made sure to stop Caldera’s pension reform so that his pension would always be that of a Full Professor. Of course, it was all a waste of time, as the inflation he created has made that pension peanuts). He has written 24 books (How many people have read them? * BTW: He wrote most of them as he was Minister, he had nothing better to do) Planning as a social process; Planning, Ideology and State; The case of Venezuela, the proposal of MAS; Transition Venezuelan and search his own way; The Venezuelan transition to socialism; Gramsci, Italy and Venezuela; Marx was not dead was Clubbing; Impressions of everyday life; among others, and here he presents his latest, Matches and Mismatches in a Bolivarian Construction work. (Even the titles are insufferable)

A student of Marx, Gramsci and Mezaroş
(Pure ideological BS), and identified with the character of “Don Quixote” in solidarity with the struggle of Hugo Chavez, whom he met when the commander was detained in Yare, marking a friendship and working that would last until his physical disappearance. In this period he has served as Minister of Planning and Finance on four occasions, becoming the best-known minister in this area (He was trained in Urban Planning, but that’s it, other than that he has no studies in Economics, nor a track record in the field). Although sometimes he had differences with President Chavez (Particularly when Chávez fired him in 2003 and Giordani held weekly meetings on Saturdays with friends at his home to tell everyone what a disaster Chávez’ Government was) he said that their relationships was always based on the grounds of mutual respect. He is regarded as the architect of the humanist economy (How the Hell do you eat that? As another former Chavista would say?) in that period and one of the indispensable men of Commander Chavez when taking decisions in the economic area. (Few of them any good or based on economic known principles, since he knew little about them)

On June 17, 2014 he was separated
(Read: Fired!) from the cabinet of President Nicolas Maduro, and from there a series of disputes, which he unleashed when he published his famous open letter to the Venezuelan people: Testimony and responsibility to history, whose appearance falls like a bomb in the areas of power and national public opinion. Since then he is considered by some as an authentic revolutionary who had the courage to stop, criticize and warn about the poor economic situation of the country (After he left the Government, while in Government he never said a word); while for others, he is a traitor to the revolutionary process that acts in spite of his departure from power and some more, in not doing so in time, when he was still in power.

This interview has been divided into three parts, in which he talks about his friendship with Chavez, his admiration and affection for the son of Sabaneta, who he says, was a gifted statesman, scholar
(How easy Dany says someone is a scholar) and responsible (Did he mean irresponsible?) to the critical situations that presented themselves (Really?) and whom he had seen, he (Chávez) immolated himself up in building a better country. (No, he ignored knowledge like most of his life and sought the most backwards doctors in the world)

He is critical of the economic model and disruptions of the current power structure.
(Simply a continuation of what he started with Chávez and presided by the man that Chávez designated as his successor. Wasn’t Chavez “gifted”? What a “gift” Maduro has turned out to be!) He warns about the economic and political situation of the nation (Something he failed he failed to do in the 14 years in which he initiated most of the policies continued by Maduro). Analyzes the problem of relative prices that distort economic reality and the serious consequences of dolarization.(Dany is the father of that distortion and the initiation of dolarization. He stopped the Permuta market out of spite and revenge, a witch hunt with vile and malice) He warns of the urgent need to tidy up the economy (Which he never did as Minister!), honestly (your are shitting me), because there is no more time. (He never seemed in a rush when he was Minister). He states that “the Venezuelan economy is a time bomb” continues its analysis (A bomb which he helped build from scratch) “There are three basic elements, structural crisis of capital (Marx and Mészáro) is a global, general, permanent and creeping crisis, it does not solve four basic contradictions, the environment (What did Chávez do about it except allow it to be screwed up?), the nation state and transnational, the problem of substantive equality and the problem of structural unemployment (Of which Venezuela continues to be an example, after 16 years of the “revolution”), that element is there, that touches us all 7 1300 million human beings we are on earth (Say big numbers, so that the BS overwhelms the real discussion), first element . Second particular element to Venezuela: the collapse of the Venezuelan rentist capital, “later adding” we are in a crisis of hegemony, which is not resolved if the means of production are not controlled (Control and destroy, repeat after me, control and destroy). “

Giordani talked about the collapse of the oil rentist capitalism. “The “given away” free time is over, should have been finished long ago
(Did you try when you had a chance?), but we are used to saying “give me mine, with don’t screw with what is mine” (like his pension). Venezuelans did not produce that, it was there. (Like Cadivi, Sicad, Simadi, Sitme and all other of those screwed up things he and Chávez invented) Suppose that oil just ends, what are we going to eat?, ” he said. (And what did you do about it, except give away the oil income?)

For the Professor, it is “a political mistake” to hide the inflation rate, which currently must be breaking thermometers. “With Chavez we always published, and if it was bad we had to explain it.”
(Did Chávez publish the final referendum results of 2007? Or the nutrition or epidemiological data? …Just asking) He explained it or we did.”

In this sense he presents his latest book “Matches and Mismatches in a Bolivarian Construction”, foreword by Professor Hector Navarro and edited by Vadell Brothers as a guide and study material to work on the current crisis.

We also present these proposals for measures to be taken as a contribution to emerge from the pit in which we find ourselves
(And Dany was responsible for):

  • Taking on the crisis as it did in 2009 Comandante Chavez, speaking clearly to the country and the Venezuelan people. (Maduro speaks every night, or twice a day. Chávez always said we were “shielded”, just like Maduro. Like Father, like Son)
    • Nationalization of the financial sector and foreign trade.
    (Good Move, you have intervened, nationalized and screwed up every sector except this one, time to destroy it, in order to complete the job)
    • Immediate restructuring of the state apparatus in terms of state enterprises such as PDVSA, the basic industries of Guayana, the Company of Electricity, Telecommunications, and those dedicated to food.
    (All of the things Dany helped screw up and destroy. As usual, no suggestion or road map of how this will be done, he has no clue)
    • Unify exchange policy.
    (Just like he never did for 11 years)
    • Enact a progressive tax reform.
    (Tax the State?)
    • Freeze the bureaucratic apparatus of the State making effective and efficient.
    (Just like Dany did not try in 14 years)
    • To stimulate domestic food production
    (Which Dany just realized needs to be done) through the protection of small and medium producers in the country and the city.
    • Build an emergency economic team
    (Dany, Hector and Merentes, as usual) that is accountable to the country permanently. (You were never accountable to anyone or anything, remember Fonden? Was it US$ 30 billion that is missing, or am I wrong?)
    • Start a special period of economic adjustment safeguarding the progress of the revolution
    (???????) in the social field and encouraging the creation of productive jobs. (No clue about this, but he will figure it out in a decade or two)

At the end of the interview says he is 24 hours in the service of the Revolution (Fortunately, the revolution is dead) and ends with a message to the Venezuelan people “must be organized. Democracy (Does Dany even know what that is anymore?) has to come out from the bottom. You have to grow and we must speak clearly to the country (Which Dany never did). Assuming the crisis (Which he created)

Way to go Your Dani, it is hard to believe you even exist. Unfortunately, you do and you did.

*(My friend the reporter Andres Rojas has read some of them. Kudos to him that could even finish them!)


18 Responses to “A Post Dedicated To Your Dani”

  1. Ira Says:

    Miguel, is this true, that apathy is off the charts?

    If so, it’s even more over than it was over before:

    VZ will never recover, and sadly, doesn’t seem to deserve to:


  2. lobo Says:

    Yuck Miguel. Convoluted, unreadable.

  3. Una Says:

    They just recently have something that qualifies as a league
    for women there. Nicely, besides the reality they have much more victories than additional football organisation available, they is not
    only composed through fantastic players, however these players
    also have the actual oneness and also the right attitude every time these people play their game.
    He released his last film, “Vous n’avez encore rien vu” (loosely translated as “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet”) 
    in 2012 and was still working right up to the end.

  4. moctavio Says:

    Deeply Xenophobic? Really.

    Have you ever talked to Giordani? To me Giordani comes across as the European conqueror that comes to save the indians from their own barbaric behavior. I never saw any trace od “caraqueño” in him. There is nothing about him that makes him a “caraqueño” not his accent, nor the way he speaks, nor his arrogant attitude.

    He is not simpatico, nor ebullient and humorless, he is the farthest thing from a caraqueño and I think his background has a lot to do with it.

    • Fantasma Says:

      Sorry but, are you in charge of the “true Caraqueño certificate” expedition service?

      Again, Giordani probably deserves a long prison sentence for the damage he did to Venezuela, but you trying to discredit him because he doesn’t fit with your idea of Venezuelan is a bit nonsensical.

      Using your own standards Gertrude Goldschmidt, Arturo Úslar or Teodoro Petkoff shouldn’t be considered true Venezuelans.

      On a more personal note, I have always found this Venezuelan humour (“simpatía” as you call it) a bit too much. Giordani should be faulted because he is incompetent and callous, not because he is serious.

      I am Caraqueño and detest this informality you seem to associate to the city. A bit more seriousness would do us good.

  5. Fantasma Says:

    I agree with most of your criticism but deeply dislike your xenophobic comments.
    Anyone can be Caraqueño, not only people of Venezuelan descent or birthplace.
    Giordani deserves what is coming to him, but not because he was born in DR. That isn’t a crime.

  6. shrillary clinton Says:

    interesting article….he sorta reminds me of Tariq Aziz …who hopefully is burning in hell right now….

    but if you all tire of perpetual news from a lush tropical country that cant even feed itself…..watch the attached video…..some people do things right

  7. Rory Says:

    Beautiful. You should try this approach for the next “big” Cabello or Maduro speech.

  8. Juan Largo Says:

    The glaring problem with chasing this kind of retorical serpente is that the conclusions and suppositions and evaluations are unreal and irrelevant if not contrasted where Venezuela actually is in the present tense. That is, you start by taking a fearless inventory of what shape the country is in, as we speak, and in light of that, venture into issues and solutions that address the curretn crisis. We all know the country has no actual currency anymore, that pensions have been rendered meaningless by a bankrupt Bolivar, essentially gutting the middle class, that foodstuffs and even ass wipe are unavailable and what we can get requires hours in lines or vast shenanagans and bribes to get stuff fast, that the hospitals are witout medicines and the mediacal professionals are being paid janitorial wages, if that, that the engery sector is mired in crisis (the Guri turbines are going to simply freeze up one of these days), that policemen are being hunted down for their firearms, that murders are expected and virtually never get investigated, cha cha cha. As is, Dani’s ranting is a vanity piece based on wonky credentials and shifting blame to the other guy, who’s very ass Dani used to kiss. The astonishing part is not so much that he would prattle on like this, but that anyone would believe him or consider him relevant. Meanwhile the world opinion of the Maduro government is that they are so overmatched by the basic requirments of running a viable country that their only response now is shuck and jive “imperial” bashing of the colonial powers who are the root cause of (fill in the blank). Before our very eyes, Venzeuela has become a tragic, international joke.

    And Jesus wept…


  9. Dr. Faustus Says:

    “..the lives of his parents, Primo Giordani, his father, an Italian Communist (How did he inherit his empty and failed ideology?) who was part of the Garibaldi Brigade (always a loser) during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)…”

    I am still amazed as to how he was able to drag/convince the entire Venezuelan delegation visiting Rome in 2013,Giordani, Maduro, Ramirez etc., out to a friggen cemetery, through what must have been heavy Roman traffic, to visit the grave of the lost-to-history Italian communist Gramsci. But, there they all were! Staring at Gramsci’s tombstone. Incredible. I sent you the photo’s. Complete insanity.

  10. cpc Says:

    Ademas habla con arrogancia el hdp. Esta loco de bola

  11. Jeffry House Says:

    Istvan Meszaros was a Marxist Professor who preferred not to live in his native Hungary, choosing instead Britain and Italy. In 1972, he was hired by York University in Toronto, Canada, as a professor, but was not permitted to take up his position. Canadian Security Services alleged he was an active member of the Soviet KGB.


    He eventually withdrew his candidacy for the professorship. As far as I know, the espionage allegation was never proven in court.

    • Boludo Tejano Says:

      Interesting. Offhand, his works don’t sound like those of another emigre Eastern European academic, Leszek Kolakowski, whose exit from Marxism can bee seen in My Correct Views on Everything.

      Mezaros left Hungary after the failed 1956 revolution. I knew in Argentina 3 Iron Curtain refugees from Hungary, each of whom left at different stages of Hungarian history. One was the son of diplomats who were stranded in Japan after the Communist takeover in Germany. One was an aeronautics engineer whom the Soviets wanted to go to work for them, before the Communist takeover. The Soviets jailed him in Hungary in an effort to get him to consent to work for them. After over a year of jailing him, confronted with steadfast refusals, the Soviets finally released him. Obviously, he got released before the Communists had completed their takeover in Hungary. He and his wife left Hungary ASAP after being released. The third refugee I knew was an adolescent when his family fled Hungary after the 1956 revolution. [Coincidentally, my hometown had many Hungarian origin residents. One of my classmates spoke only Hungarian until he was four years old.]

      None of the above had any attachment to Marxism. Granted, they weren’t academics. However, it does seem odd to me that someone who left Hungary after the 1956 revolution would continue as a Marxist. As Kolakowski points out in his essay, Eastern European emigres in the West tend to be “reactionary.”

      So regarding the allegations about, Mexaros, I would conclude not proven but possible and even plausible.

  12. dununp Says:

    I get the sense you probably abbreviated the life of your keyboard as a result of beating this post into the blog, Miguel.

    You would be well within your right to do so. It’s infuriating to read what this soul-sucking “monk” has to say about the corpse of the economy he steered into the Dark Ages.

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