A view into the brain of the “intellectuals” of XXIst. Century Socialism in Venezuela

May 19, 2010

(The wheel according to Venezuela, the wheel according to Giordani)

To those wondering from what cubbyhole of the retrograde telematic world Jorge Giordani, the current Minister of Finance came from, this is a paper circa 1994, maybe 1996 of which he was an author accompanied by Minister of Higher Education Hector Navarro and former Minister of Health Jesus Montilla if my memory serves me right.

The paper is entitled something like ” Science and Technology an alternative proposal” and as you will see its interpretation of history speaks for itself.

But all of a sudden the USSR desintegrated and among the diverse causes of having copied the functional science of the West and not put it at the service of the economy and the basic needs of the population.(sic, what does this sentence say?) Eastern Europe abandoned the route to socialism imposed and now its new rulers tried to impose a market economy. The recent industrial and technological advance of Japan-based on the massive copying of advance technology, a competitive and technocratic education and the harsh treatment of the worker, which is the reason why it can not be a model of high quality of life, but has been imitated later by other Asian countries, presenting themselves today as another neoliberal development style. Socialism maintains itself, with great efforts, in China, where it could end with centuries of hunger and misery, in North Korea which, although isolated and solitary, has managed to have a solid economy (!!!), as well as in Latin America itself, in Cuba, with 30 years of an inhuman economic blockade , but whose achievements in health, education, science and culture are a spine that bothers the power of the North”

There you have it, this is the intellectual depth of analysis of the world situation by Giordani et al. in 1994. A post (any post!!!) in Quico’s, Daniel’s or my blog has more “intellectual” content that this pamphlet. Note that the North Korean famine began in 1995 and lasted until 1997, so much for the “solid” economy of that country. As for Chinese “socialism”. I think I don’t have to explain myself.

This is what the “minds” of Chavismo that control the country’s economy today were thinking 15-16 years ago. Clearly their view of the world is as out of phase today, as it was at the time.

81 Responses to “A view into the brain of the “intellectuals” of XXIst. Century Socialism in Venezuela”

  1. megaescualidus Says:


    I just hope you’re ok. Espero que no te haya pasado nada…

    Hasta luego,


  2. A_Antonio Says:

    LD, I am completely agree.

    The Chavez Regime turn the Laws to persecute their “political enemies” and also to put the blame of real problems that Regime can not solve to on somebody else.

    No problem can be solved putting always the blame on somebody else, outside, speculators, oligarchs.

    Bizarre?, Pathetic?.

  3. LD Says:

    I have the impression, this is a propaganda action, put the blame on the “especuladores”, “oligarcas” and so on, distract from the total failure of the economy. The GDP-data was not published… and it should be dark red. The inflation at 5% a month is also very damaging to the government
    The government knows they can’t control the dolar exchange rate or they are really stupid then (there is a video clip on ABN http://www.abn.info.ve/index.php, showing a graphic from http://algodeeconomia.blogspot.com/ but “explaining” is done by PSUV/clueless people).
    They neeed to show something “positive”, as the time is running for the elections. So they reduced the electrical shortages (by the way, not on the peak hours, because the infrastructure couldn’t take that, is not the water scarcity!), announced more “areperas socialistas”, well, more is not possible… then put the blame on the “enemies”. There will be more interventions “showing the damage the capitalists do” (like Friosa, Polar…) also.

  4. Juan Carlos: Since formally the investigation is ongoing , I will not be able to say much for a while, when its over I will tell you the story, bizarre is not sufficient to describe it.

  5. A_Antonio Says:

    MO, Today Rayma’s cartoon in Sunday’s El Universal newspaper reminds you today.

    I am sad because the close of most of the “Casas de Bolsa”. Because it only means more unemployment; and because it will not solve anything.

    Like you said devaluation and inflation are not speculation, they only reflect the failure of this Regime, as always, the Regime blame on somebody else.

  6. Juan Carlos Says:

    Hey Miguel

    Please let us know what you went thru…

  7. NicaCat Says:

    Miguel, I’m relieved to hear that you are OK. I look forward to what you post after you’ve had time to think. Also, I’m so sorry that things are becoming so stressful for you.

  8. Roberto N Says:


    “Diablopotazo”? 🙂

  9. Miguel,

    I´m relieved you are ok.

  10. Robert Says:


    We know you are in “banking” but you are not one of those speculators are you? Let’s hope not. On the other hand if you need “bail money” let us know. We will find a way.

  11. I am fine , just three very long stressful and exhausting days, have barely read the news, let alone having time to think or post. I will, dont worry 🙂

  12. Robert Says:

    It will soon be more profitable to smuggle dollars into Venezuela than it is to smuggle cocaine out………….

  13. NicaCat Says:

    Has anyone heard anything from Miguel?

  14. A_Antonio Says:

    Please, somebody save the first page of “La Verdad” newspaper today, for this blog, or another blogs, “La Verdad” means The Truth.

  15. firepigette Says:

    i also wondered about the heat mentioned.Health problem due to the heat or a situation that is heating up?

  16. A_Antonio Says:

    The venezuelan congress approved a Law against racial discrimination. Even is against this law insult people because their racial o Indian origin.

    What you will not see in the Chavez Regime is a Law against “political discrimination”.

  17. Martin,

    I was worried about that “heat” too. Spanish speakers may not have picked it up immediately.

    It may be that the authorities used the fact that he is connected with the swap market as an opportunity to stop him posting on his blog.

    WordPress.com is however outside Chavez´s sphere of power. Maybe that is why Miguel moved the blog in the past.

  18. Martin Says:

    Miguel: Just curious. What kind of heat are you talking about? Just the weather, or something else? Are you still there?

  19. m_astera Says:

    And by the way, all of her escape fees were supposedly paid, to the airline. Continental, in advance. With frequent flier miles.

  20. m_astera Says:

    From my daughter’s recent email:

    My return flight was a real pain in the ass. In the airport at
    Caracas, I was taken aside IN THE LOBBY OF THE AIRPORT, after paying
    god knows how much in taxes (I didn’t come back with any bolivares)
    and I was forced to do a body scan “for drugs”. It was pretty
    humiliating and weird. There were some fat ugly Venezuelan women
    sitting in front of the screens (which were facing away from me) and
    they were pointing and laughing at the images that came up. As they
    didn’t speak English, I felt free to let go strings of names and
    profanities. At least I got that in.

    The impression Venezuela wishes to give to the world?

  21. m_astera Says:

    It’s the Apocalypse, y’all. Does not mean anything like the end of the world, it means the taking away of the illusions, the veils they tried to cover themselves with. They are showing themselves for what they are.

    All will be well in the long run, but in the short run, there may be a huge cloud of toxic oil coming. And I mean really toxic because of the dispersants they injected to keep it from showing on the surface. It is not on the surface, please get that. Deep down, and already poisoned. Bury the body and all that.

    In the short term, they cover their asses. In the long term, we shall see. But they are not good humans. Uh-uh and no way.

    In the meantime, have food and water. This isn’t going to be a short-term thing, when the bottom 1000 mts of the ocean, the Caribbean, is fouled with oil and starts coming our way.

    In order to try to stay on topic..how can I? Nothing Chavez or the rest of them can do matters. Have food and water,

    It all works out in the long run, honest it does.


  22. concerned Says:

    From Veneconomy:

    “(21/05/2010 10:23:57 a.m.) A new way to “supply” Mercal:
    Yesterday, National Guard Luis Alfonso Bohórquez, one of the military officers accused by Rocío San Miguel of having registered as a PSUV militant, headed the confiscation of 91 tons of flour, over 5,000 liters of oil, 12 tons of butter, over five tons of rice and 7,000 kilos of mayonnaise from the Polar company’s warehouses in Barquisimeto on grounds of “inconsistencies against stock list.” The products will be taken to the government Mercal network.”

    The government’s short fix for getting around needed currency for imports…

  23. island canuck Says:

    “What on earth are we waiting for?”

    Fear & apathy mostly.

  24. Speed Gibson,

    You obviously don´t know Greece if you compare it to Venezuela. I think Greece is a fiscally mismanaged country like perhaps Portugal too, but Greece has nothing to do with what is going on in Venezuela.

    The Germans are correct with the rule that government deficits should not be more than 3% of GDP and government debt not more than 60% of GDP. You cannot compare overshooting those limits – having too large beaurocracies – with what is happening in Venezuela.

  25. BB Says:

    The whole thing is a well thought out plan to ruin the existing economy in order to take it over. Thugocracy at its best. And do it little by little while making sure to tie everyone into the widespread corruption so that they all are endowed with what we call in Venezuela a “straw tail” — rabo de paja. The pot is coming to a boil and the toad isn’t jumping out yet — pretty soon it will get roasted. What on earth are we waiting for?

  26. Roy Says:


    The BBC website is comparing the Bs.F to the British Pound. You will need to divide that figure by about 0.8 to get to USD.

  27. Tomas K Says:

    The paper written by Giordani is a good sample of our universities.
    Giordani and Navarro studied at UCV, teached there and used to be gurus in CENDES. But when you ask, which is the value of Giordani´s career in poor universities like UCV, where he lived isolated and far away from the real world, then you explain his current position for the lucky trips to Yare.
    He is an anachronism and expensive one.

  28. Speed Gibson Says:

    This is a great article and the comments are good as well. If you substitute Venz for Greece its fits…to a degree. Thank god Mother Britain didnt fall into the Euro Union horse shit trap despite Tony Blairs conniving.

  29. island canuck Says:

    I presume that you are connected to one of the intervened firms.

    Hopefully it will end well although from what has happened to the others the outlook is not bright.

    Even without the intervention the future was not very hopeful for brokers & such.

    Take care Miguel. First think of yourself & then try & return to your blog.

  30. firepigette Says:

    Take good care Miguel

  31. A_Antonio Says:

    MO, take care yourself, My prayers to you.

    I think with comments, we can rely on us a few days.

  32. Alpha Says:

    Hola Miguel,

    The first note of GWEH made me worried.
    Naturally I was pleased that GWEH informed us.
    The best note is that you said, that everything is oke.
    Keep yourself safe, a live is more worth than a word on paper.


  33. Eric Lavoie Says:

    Good to hear from you Miguel, getting for writing what you write is ludicrous. Take care and keep writing. If there is ever anything I or we can do to help just ask.

  34. paul Says:

    Strange according to the bbc the bolivaris trading on the markets at 6.17

    elve_month.stmo the dollart
    comunist sympathisers in the bbc

  35. GeorgeS Says:

    This says it all:

  36. Anonimus Says:

    Miguel: For whatever it’s worth, I am glad things went well.

  37. Miguel Octavio Says:

    I am fine, just lots of heat, nothing to find…

  38. Mamarracho Says:

    GWEH this last comment will have quite a lot of us worried. What ever is up, hopefully it will end happily. Forza Miguel.

  39. Mamarracho Says:

    GWEH this last comment will have quite a lot of worried. What ever is up, hopefully it will end happily. Forza Miguel.

  40. GWEH Says:

    Eric, it’s in the news. Anything can be used against him and that’s why I am not going into details. This blog is monitored by the regime.

    Let me take this opportunity to say hi to Eva Golinger: Fuck you bitch.

  41. Eric Lavoie Says:

    Can you elaborate Gweh? Hope he is ok

  42. GWEH Says:

    ALL: Miguel will not be posting for a few days. He is OK as of Thursday 9PM eastern time but situation still very fluid. Lets keep him in our thoughts and prayers.


  43. firepigette Says:



  44. loroferoz Says:

    “I would like to point out that his two most glowing examples, Cuba and North Korea, ARE incredible success stories. In both cases, the dictator responsible managed to stay in power for life in the face of all opposition.”

    Well, I thought for an instant that they believed the crap they spouted about a socialist economy and the benefit of the workers, and a classless society. It might be just that they are incredibly cynical, and an autocratic government is all they are rooting for.

    Or else the time-scales they are talking about for socialism is of centuries or millennia. Is that is the case, I would put them with the conspiracists and their grand plots: beginning with the Lascaux Cro-Magnons, culminating right now.

    In any case, I would rather trust the Tree Stooges with my plumbing to fix. These guys are intellectually dishonest, dishonest about their own observations, dishonest in wrecking the house, and in taking years to “fix” it, who knows how much more time plugging the holes. I hope they are not paid by the hour!

  45. Floyd Looney Says:

    Exactly. If Greece is going to fail, let it fail. Its form of socialism was unsustainable, giving them a huge loan at high interest rate isn’t the cure to a debt crisis.

    They should have been allowed to fail in order to make them change their system.

  46. GWEH Says:

    Giordani is one of Chavez’ biggest brown nosers. The guy used to visit Chavez in Yare prison.

    Roy, agreed and that’s why they want nukes so nobody will mess with them. Case in point DPRK. Military action probably not an option for the sinking of the warship.

    Unfortunately for Chavez, his military nuclear ambitions are a minimum 3-6 years away should Iran proliferate.

  47. firepigette Says:

    N Smith,

    I am talking about self interest here.The Chavez situation has reached a point where it is effecting all of LA , not just Venezuela.He would like to see LA allied with Iran, against the West.The first one on his list is obviously Colombia which is an important US ally.The problem is that he holds his oil reserves hostage.Any conflict will result in sky rocketing oil prices and another world recession.So there would be a short term cost and a long term benefit.

    Our biggest problem is that politicians think in terms of short term votes instead of long benefits for their countries.

  48. Inigo Montoya Says:

    BT: “why are people so willing to give up their freedoms for a secure loaf of bread however small and rotten?”

    Because “freedom” also includes the freedom to fail. And too many people are afraid enough of their own failure to give up everything else just to avoid it. Usually the same people who think “living” and “existing” are the same thing.

  49. firepigette

    European Monetary Union members intervened only because of self-interest: the euro. If Greece were still printing Drachmas, no-one would have intervened.

    The same with Venezuela: if there were no self-interest the rest of the world would stand by and see Venezuela self-destruct. There is no self-interest involved: so – everyone will watch while Venezuela self-destructs.

  50. concerned Says:

    Let’s start two lists…

    First list: Governments who would oppose removing Chavez

    Second list: Governments who care what the governments on the first list think

    If the second list is longer than the first, we do nothing…

  51. island canuck Says:

    Roy said:
    “I have come to the conclusion that some sort of internationally coordinated intervention is the lesser of evils.

    I couldn’t agree more. Sounds like our friend Robert Heinlein again.

    There were organizations which were supposed to protect the democracy of the member countries (OAS) but they crumbled under the first test.

    I don’t think that there is a political will anywhere to correct these aberrations.

  52. firepigette Says:

    I agree with Roy here.

    It is funny how when Greece has a problem nobody minds if we intervene and bail them out, but when it comes to intervention where a dictator has to be stopped there are many who oppose.Ultimately it’s the same principle of intervention.One is to conserve a system and the other to eliminate it.

    It is understandable that it should not be something lightly done but in some extreme cases,where many other countries are being dragged down and affected it should be definitely be considered.

  53. Roy Says:

    I would like to point out that his two most glowing examples, Cuba and North Korea, ARE incredible success stories. In both cases, the dictator responsible managed to stay in power for life in the face of all opposition.

    Based upon Chavez’ real political purpose, he couldn’t have picked better role models. From the outside world’s perspective, it is easy to dismiss the Hugo Chavez’s of the world as passing aberrations. However, it is becoming all too clear that the model works. And while it continues it does great damage, not just to the citizens of such countries that are unfortunate enough to be seduced by such populist dictators, but to all of the countries in contact with them (both physically and economically). If you don’t believe that ask South Korea, South Africa (spill-over of problems from Zimbabwe), and, of course, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador, Honduras, etc…

    I submit that the world needs to consider an alternative policy in these situations. I am talking about intervention, even though I really don’t like the idea. However, given the fact that these dictators don’t just go away until that they have destroyed the economies of their host countries, damaged those of their neighbors, and ruined countless lives, I have come to the conclusion that some sort of internationally coordinated intervention is the lesser of evils.

  54. m_astera Says:

    Well thought posts. I’m being a little more esoteric than is the usual tone here, so I’ll leave it that there are some human bodies that have no soul, and hence don’t care about the consequences. They will die and that’s it. Some evil minded ones amongst them will only live to their own benefit.

    I doubt Thugo has a soul, so when he’s toast, he’s simply gone.

    Or one might google egregore for other possibilities.

  55. Kepler Says:

    Gaitán: do you know who he was?

  56. KillChavez Says:

    During late 70s there was a proverb: …..Don’t drink the Kool-Aid!!!!

    This has come to mean, Don’t trust any group you find to be a little on the kooky side. Of course, you would have to know of Kool-Aid’s dubious connection to Jim Jones to understand the proverb. The guy obliged his followers to drink Kool-Aid laced with potassium cyanide, killing 900 people… in a massive suicide act that took place in Guyana….

    Now Chavez and his followers, are acting same way… the chavistas with and impaired mind, think that expropriations, weapons, militias, FARC and some pseudo bolcheviks views are the solutions to the poor; whislt the poison is working, they already have been given the acceptance to the fact that the country must be pulled apart to achieve their wishful endles happiness… I think that might explain the square wheel.

  57. concerned Says:

    I used to think that removing Chavez would create a martyr and therefore nothing was to gain. But Chavez has made the destruction of Venezuela a personal vendetta against anyone who every rose up against him personally. If there is no Chavez, what importance is there of a list of people who may have gone on strike, voted or signed against Chavez? Remove Chavez, remove the “lists”, move on. When it comes down to supporting Chavez to have the privelege of putting the basic food items on the table for your children, it will be too late. By then, there will be no one left with the will to stop the madness. This is not new. You only have to look north to Cuba. Is that what the majority of Venezuelans want? To remove through election would be impossible at this point and waiting until 2012 is a pipedream. Notice I did not say kill, but remove. Honduras is an example of what can be done, albeit much more difficult to achieve here.

  58. Kepler Says:


    We could learn a bit from history. These guys want to have a Gaitán.
    And they are in power. We can learn from movements that were succesful.
    What do they have in common? What movements in history could manage
    the best transformations from something like this or as similar as this as we can find? History is no science, but it can teach us something.

  59. Juan Cristobal Says:

    The ideas! The grammar! The fucked-up analogies! Oh my!

    Great find Miguel.

  60. Speed Gibson Says:

    so what are you saying? shoot this clown first before Chavez?

  61. BT Says:

    I just returned from a trip to Sicily, Malta and Southern Italy. One waiter in a Rome restaurant told my wife (who is Venezuelan) that he loved Chavez and Castro. It was all I could do to keep myself under control; I said nothing. My wife, however, stated to him that Chavez and Castro were bad and Venezuela was being destroyed systematically.

    Two things: Why don’t idiots like this waiter go and live in Cuba? Try it on for size? Also, why are people so willing to give up their freedoms for a secure loaf of bread however small and rotten?

  62. Kepler Says:


    Good points.
    Now you mention everything that is good in Venezuela is being destroyed. With that we assume there are good things or were good things in Venezuela and we are not talking about beaches and humour, evidently, but about things that relate to a country’s development.

    But perhaps those good things are actually the things that should have prevented the system from allowing Chavez to get the power in the first place.
    As a caraquena friend used to say: cada uno tiene que asumir su rancho.

    We all had some role to play in setting up the “rancho Venezuela”. And it is falling apart. How did Chavez come to that rancho in the first place and what could we have done to avoid this 11 year madness?
    Mind: it was not only Chavez. Some extremist reader is preaching a violent end to Chávez. That would be the worst thing.
    Chávez is just the major gollen all Venezuelans created in the last decades, but if it is not him it will be Chávez Junior or the like.

    Can we show people who are not on our side yet that enough is enough? How?

  63. concerned Says:

    It doesn’t surprise me that there are people like Hugo that whole heartedly believe crap like that. This world is full of fanatics in sports, religion, political ideology. Pretty much anything that can be done, can be done to the extreme. What does surprise me is that the system, the filters that should prevent that kind of extremism from reaching a position where their personal views are forced on a people, break down. These madmen cycle through history and none of their eras end well. I don’t blame Hugo as much as the system that allowed him, and continues to allow him to enforce his (Castro’s) beliefs on a defenseless populace. As everything good about Venezuela is being systematically destroyed, not only by incompetence, but intentionally and maliciously as if an act of pure vengence, you have to wonder when enough is enough.

  64. An Interested Observer Says:

    loroferoz, I agree with your “non-madness” theory as applied to Chavez and many others, as their economic policy would indeed be mad if it were meant to create a solid economy – but it’s not. I’m just not sure it applies here. Presumably, Giordani et al were not devising an economic scheme with political ends in mind, therefore I wonder if this qualifies as what he/they truly believe.

  65. Eric Lavoie Says:

    You find morons like that everywhere, I had one in my office spewing that Cuba’s failure was because of the us embargo. The guy made a fortune in the market but was so anti us to the point of stupidity. I used the simple yet effective counter to the us embargo us the problem (you know Cuba can trade with the rest of the world you know)

  66. Kepler Says:

    Yeah, Lemmy, but in Europe you usually see them behind a bottle at the dark corner of one of the most forgotten pubs in Kreuzberg or Antwerp.

    Well, I am wrong: actually, you can see them now in the German Bundestag:

    your babe, Stasi-did-its-job Sahra Wagenknecht 🙂

    The horror, the horror!

  67. Lemmy Caution Says:

    I can assure you that this kind of fake intelectuals with random thought theories does exist in Western Europe, too. The disconcerting about Venezuela is, that they somehow managed to get into office through election.

  68. Kepler Says:

    Oh, my! And this guy finished his bachillerato?
    About the time the Soviet Union was imploding I used a bus in Venezuela (Big Low Center to Valencia). A young man stepped in and started to talk about how great the Soviet Union was. Man, the Soviet Union had been very visibly going down the drain, you could read tons of information about that in El Nacional, in El Carabobeno (I actually noticed back then that local El Carabobeno had more on that than NYT or Times or The Guardian) , the Soviet system had collapsed in Poland, the Velvet Revolution had taken place in Czechoslovakia, the regime had finished in Hungary, Ceasescu was long dead and this guy was talking about how good the Soviet Union still was.
    I thought: how much delusion can there be? Had he got just out of prison?
    Half the people in the bus were not paying attention but the other half were and I did not notice my kind of shock.
    I forgot that for many years until Chavismo came in.

    I don’t know…this can only be compared perhaps to the creationists or deniers of the Jewish Hollocaust or the Turks who deny the Armenian Hollocaust or the believers in a God-commanded Manifest Destiny.

    And these guys fool the absolute ignorant and the absolute ignorant are legion in Venezuela.

    The thing is now: shouldn’t some movement from within the opposition work on bringing some information to the general population even little by little?

  69. loroferoz Says:

    I argued in comments to a post by Quico titled “Loco es el que come m….”


    that these guys are not mad in the usual sense of the word. That the mad thing is the belief system they adhere to. This belief system is more insidious than simple madness, as it is a delusion and a justification for hateful fanaticism and tyranny wrapped in pseudo-rationalistic and pseudo-scientific disguise.

    In light of the evidence, I rest my case.

    Unless anyone would want to argue that you have to be mad to choose to believe claims that are inconsistent with reality or unverifiable, and that you have to be raving mad to follow such beliefs up to the destruction of your country and/or personal suicide. If that is so, there have been and there are literally billions of mad persons in this world. And thousands, if not millions of raving mad individuals.

  70. m_astera Says:

    I think Thugo(sic), not being very original, chose Castro as his idol and mentor. Castro is smarter, but they are both evil PSOS, machines actually. They will stop when the machine wears out. Some will get what I mean. Sociopaths. Not all human bodies have souls.

  71. Giordani, Montilla and Navarro signed a paper together… truth is too often stranger than fiction.

    Rayma preceding cartoon had the wrong heads…..

  72. keplerito Says:

    My, my…intellectual is becoming a sensitive word around here….

  73. Jaime Requena Says:

    The Giordani text was written before 1994 since the correct bibliographic reference to the piece that you quote is: “Ciencia y Tecnología: una propuesta alternativa”. (1994) Introduction. By J. Giordani, J. J. Montilla, V. Morles y H. Navarro. Página 5-11. Ediciones APUCV. Caracas.

  74. JAU Says:


  75. moctavio Says:

    Pamphlet available on request to those that have the stomach, but this is the worst part.

  76. Eric Lavoie Says:

    Wow talk about being in fantasyland. North Korea and strong economy lol
    Cuba and the inhuman blockade of one country… I guess the world is made of one country only.

  77. RWG Says:

    “…as well as in Latin America itself, in Cuba, with 30 years of an inhuman economic blockade , but whose achievements in health, education, science and culture are a spine that bothers the power of the North””

    WTF? Is this guy on Fidel’s payroll or what? Cuba is negative on health, education, and science. Not to mention negative on economics, human rights, civil rights, truth in Government, etc.

  78. Deanna Says:

    I’m sorry to say this, but an elementary school child in the US would give a better analysis than these so-called intellectuals. I can’t even understand what they’re trying to say in that short quotation, so I can imagine that the rest of that pamphlet is garbage.

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