Random Thougths Through The Night

October 7, 2012

9:20 PM As certain results come in Chávez opens lead

8:43 PM Lots of counter rumors, close, this will be a

long evening.

7:05 PM Military guy in charge of voting process, General Barrientos, says polls should stay open until voters are in line.

6:53 PM Electoral Board members show up and call for polls not to close until all voters have voted.

6:38 PM Not all polls are closed. Best info is this is close, but edge may be Capriles’. Is it enough?

94 Responses to “Random Thougths Through The Night”

  1. moctavio Says:

    No falta nada, la gente no usa los números completos. Los de anoche son con 19% de abstenciòn Y con 90% de los votos contados, esa es la diferencia, hay nuevos números, aqui

    There is no major inconsistency , people are not using all the numbers. Last night numbers are with 19% abstention AND 90% of teh votes counted, that is the difference, the new numbers are here:


  2. Marilu Ravelo Says:

    Estan hablando que faltan casi tres millones de votos por contabilizar. Que sabes de esto?

  3. Daniel Says:

    I love the way you have put it: sigue habiendo un camino !!! Love it love it…… Sigamos trabajando por ese camino

  4. GWEH Says:

    Amen…meant no disrespect. He’s my man but he just took a beating.

  5. moses Says:

    Youre right Daniel, sigue habiendo un camino !

  6. Daniel Says:

    Mientras haya vida hay esperanza….that is…… Chavez you are fucked up….

  7. Daniel Says:

    Let ‘s all have the balls that Capriles has……carajo!!!!

  8. GWEH Says:

    Capriles looks shocked.

  9. moses Says:

    How long before people start revolting because of undelivered promises (housing, cheap food prices for ex.) ?

  10. moses Says:

    How long can we continue to have cheap gas if we have to import it at international prices due to problems in Amuay and El Palito refineries

  11. moses Says:

    How long can he govern if he really is sick (and every clue points to this…)

  12. Daniel Says:

    Chavez’s seed of cessation was planted today……ni un paso atras!! Keep hope , it is not time for depression and sadness. We are drilling a hole in the chavismo , slowly but we are doing it

  13. Daniel Says:

    Yes lets stay strong…..we can do it…… Lets keep fight.the seed of chavez’s cessation was planted today and let’s celebrate that!!!

  14. Nebelwald Says:

    It seems Venezuela has not had enough of “Tocando Fondo”

  15. JB Lenoir Says:

    The robolution continues. Don’t matter if the cancer kills him eventually. Even dead, the Bolivarian cancer will live on for years and years. Now comes the ‘profundizacion’ de la Revolucion Bolivariana. Look forward to a major devaluation and a sovereign default. But for now, triumphalist reaffirmation of patriotism and Bolivarian values, historic, proud, Chavez forever. Once again, the democratic opposition goes down in flames…united.

  16. Joe Smith Says:

    Good Bye Freedom, welcome Communism, Unreal ! Eastern Europe broke the yokes of slavery, over 1 million Cubans escaped it, yet it was voted in tonight.

  17. JohnfromMass Says:

    Stay strong . At this point that’s all you can do. His sickness returning is your next hope! My thoughts and prayers are with you

  18. Ronaldo Says:

    CNE just said 54.42% for Chavez? Did I hear it right?

  19. Aristo Says:

    Per CNE: Chavez with 54%, Henrique with 44% +/-.

  20. Alex Dalmady Says:

    Really? What on earth were people expecting?

  21. Dr. Faustus Says:

    OMG In shock.

  22. GWEH Says:

    HCF only leaving office dead.
    54.42 percent

  23. JB Lenoir Says:

    It’s 10pm Caracas time, the CNE ediles are coming to the podium and they will announcxe that CApriels lost by approx 1 million votes, 5-6% or so. Chavez still has cancer, and if/when it kills him new elections must be held. Incredible. Tragic.

  24. Daniel Says:

    35 capriles 65 chavez……holy shhhhh i cant belive this………our option now is await chavez natural death

  25. GWEH Says:

    Yes something happened….tomorrow we’ll know

  26. GWEH Says:

    Me confirma Washington q perdimos por 1.2 millions. Bocaranda is right. Syd, you owe me an apology

  27. moses Says:

    DolarToday ‏@DolarToday

    Los resultados finales fueron alterados desde las maquinas, las actas cuadran, FRAUDE!

  28. moctavio Says:

    All indications are Chávez won, on both sides.

  29. tom Says:

    how come chavistas know they have won already???

  30. DD Says:

    I hear we won, however, Cuba tv is reporting chavez win. Analysts on Miami tv are not sure….hearing all kinds of shit. Mood changing to somber

  31. Daniel Says:

    Yeap chavez won

  32. Escualidus Arrechus Says:

    According to Bocaranda, Chavez wins by a million votes. Unbelievable.

  33. EV Says:

    What do you mean with that? Chavez won?

  34. Orlando Chiossone Says:

    Miami Mega TV – one guest says that Chavez won by 8 points.

  35. tom Says:

    Hmmmm, 3 AM, what to do ??? Go to bed or wait??? Any idea how low before it’s announced?

  36. Ahora existen dos grandes preguntas: 1) si aceptara el perdedor la derrota, especialmente si hay gritos de trampa y 2) como actuara a la FAN para defender el resultado.

    Segun esta discussion – http://www.the-counterpoint.com/discussion/D – la mayoria aun cree que chavez no soltara el poder. Desafortunadamente estoy de acuerdo, el ve su revolucion como un fin sin importar el costo al pais.

  37. ErneX Says:

    Chavez opens lead? you mean he is winning or something else?

  38. island canuck Says:

    Henrique Capriles R. ‏@hcapriles
    A esta hr algunos siguen con la misma cháchara de siempre,los mismos cuentos,con la diferencia que estos ya son de despedida!

  39. Dr. Faustus Says:


    “There was something in the air that night, the stars were bright Fernando…
    They were shining there for you and me, for liberty, Fernando…”

    Sorry. I just thought this would be a nice tune to hum along with tonight.

  40. Frank Says:

    The minute-to-minute feed on El Universal seems to be down for 30 mins now: http://www.eluniversal.com/nacional-y-politica/elecciones-2012/121007/minuto-a-minuto-elecciones-presidenciales-7-o

    Noticias24 isn’t updating anything recently either: http://www.noticias24.com/

    Watching channel 4…

  41. NM Says:

    Spill the beans Miguel.

  42. moses Says:

    Nelson Bocaranda S. ‏@NelsonBocaranda

    Ordenaron a las bandas de motorizados salir a la calle a atemorizar a la población que quiera celebrar o protestar

  43. djimax Says:

    globovision is down here 😦

  44. JohnfromMass Says:

    After following Chavez from afar for years, I know as well as the Venezualan Citizens, that he would stoop extremely low to try and maintain power. My fingers are crossed for the fine people of Venezuela.

  45. CaprilesFan Says:

    No one is sure, but looks like Capriles ahead and Chavistas trying to keep polling stations open until they catch up. Except, of course, in places like New Orleans where planes of people have been left with votes in their hearts because they were late because of storms. Election should be over yet they are waiting for bus loads of Chavistas to show up. We r right where many of us thought, Capriles ahead but fraud being the X factor!

  46. moses Says:

    Were my wife voted today 2680 Capriles, 186 Chavez in Baruta

  47. island canuck Says:

    Henrique Capriles R. ‏@hcapriles
    Calma,cordura,paciencia!Hoy fue una jornada histórica,grandiosa,un pueblo que habló!Sabemos lo que pasó y debemos esperar!Que viva Vzla!

  48. NM Says:

    Chavez on the phone. His most civil speech in history. Concesion?. Never thought I would hear this.

  49. CharlesC Says:

    Some businesses will be closed Monday in Valencia. Also, I heard schools closed in San Juan de los Morros. Reason-they are afraid “something may
    happen” on Monday…

  50. NM Says:

    Is Jorge Rodriguez on Prozac?.

    • Escualidus Arrechus Says:

      heh, that’s what I thought. between the sedate smile and the empty frases hechas about the electoral process, I have a hard time seeing a victor in there.

  51. Dr. Faustus Says:

    Another thought…..

    If you think this is nerve wracking,….

    Just imagine Fidel and Raul sitting around a coffee table this evening. Today. Now. This very moment. Their ENTIRE revolution is approaching a cliff on account of some silly ballot boxes in Venezuela. 53 years! Fidel says to Raul, “Elections? In Venezuela? What the hell were they thinking?”

    • Boludo Tejano Says:

      Fidel says to Raul, “Elections? In Venezuela? What the hell were they thinking?”

      Fidel advised the Sandinistas in Nicaragaua to not have internationally supervised elections in 1990. As he feared, Violeta Chamarro beat Daniel Ortega 54-40.

    • NET Says:

      Probably said, “What the hell are elections??”

  52. moctavio Says:

    Plan to celebrate in Plaza Altamira tonight

  53. jc Says:

    Will you be up until a result Miguel? I think you said you would but I can’t find it.

  54. Alex Dalmady Says:

    Globovision.com is down for me. Server overload?

  55. LD Says:

    I can’t post the link, but try Anonymouse .org

  56. moses Says:

    Lo puedo abrir via ABA, sin proxies, pero no voy a dar detalles

  57. Andrés Says:

    Roberto Carlo Olivares says “el Mayor General Wilmer Barrientos, Comandante del CEO de las FAN y jefe del Plan República, también reitero lo expresado en mi columna anterior. Barrientos se le volteó al régimen y hará respetar el resultado electoral, no tiene comunicación con Chávez y solo se relaciona con el CNE y los comandantes de tropa.”

  58. liz Says:

    OJO! el blog de daniel duquenal http://daniel-venezuela.blogspot.com/ se puede abrir desde Venezuela con anonymous proxy http://www.zend2.com

  59. colon Says:

    Algo “raro” esta pasando……

    DC closed. However votes cannot be counted until CNE emits 1st bulletin.

    Against written rules.

    Supposedly there is an official memo overriding the rules.

    Is like they let you buy the cake and not eat it….

    May be to have room to negotiate?

    • ErneX Says:

      Same in Spain, I think it’s the way it is.

      • colon Says:

        Was told in Spain and other parts with far away time zones, they count the next day. However in USA that should not be the case.


    • Roberto N Says:

      Dc closed at around 6 pm, no more voters in line. CNE yesterday announced no counting votes overseas “hasta la emision del primer boletin irreversible”.

      Am headed back to Embassy to be present for vote count.

      Exit polls are pretty much 98%-2% (Guess who got 98%).

      What was surprising is that more than 73% of registered voters showed up to vote, past processes it’s 45-50%

      More later…………

  60. Andrés Says:

    Roberto Carlo Olivares says “El candidato de las Fuerzas democráticas arriba por un millón de votos.” (Información de las Fuerzas Armadas Nacionales y Patriotas)

  61. moses Says:

    Another report from a friend: One table in San Cristobal of 599 voters, 534 voted (89%) and 441 voted for Capriles (83%)

  62. moses Says:

    A relative in Cumana told us minutes ago that in Andres Eloy Blanco School all 8 tables were won by Capriles

  63. Chinchilla Says:

    All these results are pure speculation. Only when CNE announces we will know the truth.

    • Escualidus Arrechus Says:

      Only when we have the actas en mano will we know the truth. The CNE can respect what the actas say, or they can violate the law.

  64. Ronaldo Says:

    Drink a Venezuela Libre. Same as a Cuba Libre, rum, coke, y limon. Castro and Chavez are one and the same.

  65. moses Says:


    Check this website (alarmist but maybe true…):


  66. Dr. Faustus Says:

    All these years, all these many months, ….

    …and it all comes down to what happens in the next few hours.

    Where’s my brandy bottle?

  67. Nemo Says:

    Depends on the edge :).

  68. ErneX Says:

    Please keep us posted and godspeed.

  69. Andrés Says:

    No, a slight edge would not appear to be enough. ;-(

  70. island canuck Says:


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