Maldonado’s Perfectly Bolivarian Triumph

May 15, 2012

Sorry I am late to the celebration of Maldonado’s triumph in the Spanish Grand Prix, I was otherwise occupied with other less significant matters. But I did not want to pass up the opportunity to join in the celebration of this victory, which despite all of the confusion, is perfectly consistent with the Bolivarian revolution.

Let’s start with the contract, which is perfectly and absolutely illegal. Thus, this a Bolivarian project at its very roots. And somehow Williams defends the confidentiality of this pristine contract, like so many others signed under dubious conditions by the Chavez Government. It even makes you wonder if there is more than they are trying to hide, another perfect coincidence within the ideals of the Bolivarian revolution, including threats to a Deputy investigating it.

But think of the benefits, all the publicity to encourage Venezuelans to visit their local PDVSA gas station.

Then, take the sport. A perfectly socialist sport. A sport for the masses. A sport that creates discipline. Since most of the races take place in far away places and at odd hours, it forces you to wake up early, stay up late, watch the time, make sure you are there on time. In addition, with a country that is 17th. in the world in traffic deaths, by watching the races, people can learn useful skills. Not only can they learn how to drive, how to avoid accidents, but that despite the speed and the recklessness, you can actually get there alive, complete the race,  something that we are beginning to forget.

Moreover, thanks to Maldonado’s backing, Venezuelans of all classes, can now perform Patriotic Tourism, thanks to Venetur, which offers the possibility of following Pastor Maldonado’s route:

Ever wanted to go to Japan, Australia, Europe? Bothered by exchange controls? It does not matter, because in a country with tight and absolute exchange controls, Venetur and the Bolivarian revolution can bypass it all. If Monaco is your dream, here are the offers to go to Monaco, if you are a true patriot:

Yes! solidarity rates of less than US$ 1,000 double occupancy, including hotel, breakfast and tickets to a full weekend of races in Monaco. A revolutionary’s dream! Better than Varadero and with no secret police looking over you! And as you can see in the red oval, it does not matter if you used your CADIVI quota, because this is all a new parallel mechanism to promote Patriotic Tourism, you pay in Bolivars and the Bolivarian Government will give you all of the above via a magic and unregistered process that nobody had ever heard of, to obtain foreign currency for travel. Just imagine what high ranking PDVSA executives get to go see the same races, maybe even the Paddock seats for only 4000 euros!

Transparency you say? No, that is for irrelevant things like medicines or foodstuffs, not for truly Patriotic Tourism.

And if you are one of those complaining about US$ 83 million for the William’s contract. Come on! Don’t be such a cry baby! Can you think of a better use given the results of the revolution in the last thirteen years? We don’t need hospitals, nor medicines, we need circus, and Pastor truly provides it! US$ 83 million? Spare change compared to a Sukhoi jet fighter or 1,000 untrained Cuban doctors!

As for Pastor, he is certainly a skilled driver, given his recent victory and we must all congratulate him. This is in the end a criollo sport. He learned it here, on our very own dangerous roads and highways. I don’t know if he is really pro-Chavez or not, but we must pay him tribute. He has realized the Venezuelan dream. He got the Bolivarian revolution to pay him US$ 83 million a year, to do what he wants and likes and do it all outside of Venezuela. It did not even matter if he won or not. He jumps from city to city around the world, traveling first class or on private planes with his car on board to boot and dozens of people taking care of him, as if he was truly rich. At the same time, he comes to Venezuela as little as possible and when he does, he has the use of armored cars and bodyguards and even gets to visit the President, who calls him a great Venezuelan.

A true Venezuelan and revolutionary dream. A victory for viveza criolla. Individualistic, oligarchic, with lots of money and all done without even having to visit the country. And you have them all eating out of your hand.

Kudos, Pastor! A perfectly coherent Bolivarian triumph!

43 Responses to “Maldonado’s Perfectly Bolivarian Triumph”

  1. johnny Walking Says:

    A post in the comments section in El

    Amigo Andrés! Usted, tiene toda la razón! Goicoechea, metio la pata hasta la cintura al criticar la celebración y felicitaciones por parte de la población y los lideres de oposición! Tenemos que tener en cuenta que todos somos Venezolanos, y que a un TRIUNFO de esta magnitud, no se le puede estár viendo colores políticos! Orgullozos debemos sentirnos que un compatriota haya llegado a ese sitial con sacrificios. Como es el caso de Pastor Maldonado, quien empezo desde temprana edad en este deporte! Qué importa si el gobierno atravez de PDVS le haya otorgado y/o regalado (Dinero) en calidad de contribución para sus actividades! No soy pro-gobierno! Pero, es una satisfacción ver el logotipo de PDVS y la Bandera Tricolor, ondeando a niveles internacionales; dandole HONORES a nuestra Patria! Que sean representadas por Maldonado? Que importa! ÉL es un VENEZOLANO, igual que cualquier otro! Qué sus ideales sean diferentes? Eso no es causa para criticarlo, ni a quienes celebraron su Triunfo!

    Go figure.

  2. Hey Carmelito, you can troll all you want but on the one year anniversary of his first lie, that he had aknee problem, he has not been seen live all of May, and you should be more precise, he did not speak on TV he called in. So 19 days, one video of his arrival, two calls and one Tweet. But you still believeOh, yes, he must be doing fine. I dint care whether he croaks, today in November or next May, I just know he will and that is enough. And despite your adoration, there will be no resurrection with Hugo.

  3. loroferoz Says:

    I should check your blog more frequently. To paraphrase Hugo Chavez’s own weapon and death-metaphors filled speech:

    You, sir, have just nuked their little party with the facts.

    It’s a crying shame that your post does not get as much diffusion as Yon Goicochea’s article.

  4. Rojorojito Says:

    So who was the numbnuts who was predicting HCF’s death? He spoke last night on tv and announced he is doing just fine. Dream on oppos!!!

    • loroferoz Says:

      Don’t gloat yet. Let’s for argument sake’s suppose he is fine (odd to believe that of a man with recurring cancer)…

      We are counting on him to be ever the megalomaniac (and you to be ever the mindless brown-noses, to egg him on) and begin to campaign full steam. He already got himself a cancer recurrence for not taking it seriously. Now he is sure to do himself in. Suicide, he killed himself, like Chacumbele!

    • VJ Says:

      SiguenosEnlaRoja @facerojito
      Una reflexión compatriotas: Esto es otro duro golpe sobre la misma zona donde nos golpeó el destino cuando el Comandante hizo aquella declaración de su enfermedad……… Admito que aun estoy NOQUEADO por esa noticia de ayer.
      SiguenosEnLaRoja ‏@facerojito
      Compatriotas el corazón se me arrugó viendo a mi Comandante cortársele la voz. Como queriendo hacer más, vivir…

  5. andrew Says:

    The pictures with the 2 idiots celebrating is disgusting!! I actually live in Monaco and will vomit onto the Venezuelan driver if I see him

  6. CharlesC Says:

    “My contacts are telling me”-Ok, if they told you that, then it must be true.
    As Karl Lagerfeld said “Normal people think I am insane.”

  7. Rojorojito Says:

    What pisses all of you off is that he won. Why didn’t you level these accusations before? My contacts are telling me that our leader is doing great and will be back at the helm before the end of the month…no, wait!!!…he is supposed to be dead!!! Get a life!!!

  8. VJ Says:

    Bocaranda dixit…..
    Runrunes of today 05/17/2012
    … Si se pudieran revisar las cuentas y saber cuánto se ha destinado en los tres últimos años a Pastor Maldonado y la Williams los beneficiarios se podrían sorprender. Algunos montos recibidos en el exterior equivaldrían a solo 50% de lo asignado pues la otra parte se habría ido a cuentas de un alto funcionario petrolero a través de testaferros. La fuente es interna…

  9. The obvious and now documented use of Maldonado’s victory to promote Chávez’ presidential candidacy utilizing State TV (and cadena nacional) is a blatant electoral violation. If neither the CNE nor TSJ will enforce fair elections, international actors are obligated to speak up… soon.

  10. island canuck Says:

    Or Globo

  11. dorisclubhipico Says:

    Off topic …
    La plasta en la planta. Any live feeds?

    • island canuck Says:

      They just took GloboVision’s camera equipment however there are lot’s of videos & photos.
      Have a look at La Patilla or ND

  12. Miguel’s post is great and I welcome it. The Maldonado case, however, confirms the Venezuelan tragedy. Attitudes in our country are set in concrete and will not be swayed by rational arguments. If Chavez killed somebody on TV tomorrow his followers would find it defensible.
    We are preaching to the converted.This is OK, to reafirm our commitment to our values, but we will have little impact on the overall mood of the country.
    Having said this, let us continue doing what we have to do.

    • tony Says:

      BTW, where is Chavez?

    • Ronaldo Says:

      Chavez is culpable for over 100,000 deaths and his supporters look the other way. The increase in crime and murders over the last 12 years is because Chavez refuses to provide police and security to the citizens.

  13. Alfredo Maldonado Says:

    The contract is for € 22.000.000.oo a year. Is Williams fires Maldonado or he goes away, the contract goes with him, explain Williams tu its shareholders.

  14. dorisclubhipico Says:

    “l’argent n’a pas de patrie” attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte.

    Let Maldonado savour victory,
    [“Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever.”]
    his revolutionary funding may still
    turn into a fleeting one-night stand.

  15. Ronaldo Says:

    Congratulations to Maldonado. It is a great victory for him.
    But it is not a victory for Venezuela.

    The race was not in Venezuela. In fact, no formula racing is done in Venezuela.

    The car and all of its technology were not designed or built in Venezuela. In fact India is building formula racing cars now but not Venezuela. China is also in the business. Can you name a part on the car that was made in Venezuela? Can you name any company in Venezuela that manufactures with carbon fiber?

    Maldonado did not learn formula racing in Venezuela. An F1 crew typically has 200-500 technicians working on all aspects of making, designing, and maintenance of a team’s cars. Maldonado’s crew was not trained in Venezuela and had members from many other countries.

    The Chavista funding came from oil revenue from foreign countries.

    $82 million could have fed half a million poor Venezuelans for a month. Or built a decent hospital. Or provided compensation to thousands of crime victims. etc.

    The only connection to Venezuela was Maldonado’s heritage and the paint on the car.

    Formula racing is a rich man’s sport in all aspects and is the antithesis of socialism. Venezuela cannot afford to provide $80 million dollars to each citizen so they can succeed at their dreams.

    In no way will this win bring better human rights, nutrition, prosperity, education, freedom of crime, or respect to Venezuela.

    Maybe, in a backwards way, Maldonado’s win will let Venezuelans know how their money is spent. If Maldonado had lost, no one would have heard about this misappropriation of public funds.

  16. moctavio Says:

    He asked both for information, the Government never replied, Williams argued confidentiality. He wanted Williams to know that it is illegal, that was really the point.

  17. Gilberto Arrieche Says:

    If Congressman Carlos Ramos is so worried about about this matter, and really wants to do something about it…more than having his 5 minutes of fame….
    Why is asking the recipient of the contract to provide information, when he as part of the Congress and as Venezuelan owns a part of the signers of the contract and the issuer of money????
    The one part that is breaking all kinds of laws is PDVSA and this Congressman shouldn’t he be asking PDVSA for these documents!!!!!

  18. Deanna Says:

    On the other hand, Rafael Reif becomes president of a prestigious school like MIT and I bet he doesn’t even get a note of congratulations from Chavez or his cronies!!!!

  19. Yanet Rodriguez Says:

    Already I will see … those who so much criticize this type of exploits (that of Maldonado) with the support or not of the government, looking for the way of taking advantage of this “Mantequilla” or ” Mango Bajito” that they have put now and to enjoy the F1, we are going to be sincere, someone with a minimal salary does not go to this type of events.

  20. david Says:

    Even a stopped watch will give the right time twice a day. A long way to go…..

  21. Sam Duncan Says:

    I’ve been in two minds since Sunday’s race. As a Brit, I’ve been a Williams fan for over 20 years (Mansell was my first F1 hero, of course), and it’s great to see them win again, but the PDVSA deal stinks, and the thought that Chavez will milk it for propaganda makes me feel sick.

    Plus, what Antonio said. So the FIA thinks corrupt dictators are better than tobacco?

    On the other hand, I can’t blame FW too much – as Andres F. says, the teams will take money from wherever they can get it (the present Williams team took a lot of Saudi money in its early days) – but you have to wonder what he was thinking. Aside from the moral issues, he’s swimming with sharks. Will he actually see all the money he was promised? As long as Maldonado’s winning and Chavez is in power, presumably he will, but what if either situation changes?

    • Roberto N Says:

      Well Sam, since the funding was done in an irregular way it will be relatively easy to stop if the political will is there.

      Supposing Capriles wins, this does not automatically mean the funding will be cut. After all, Capriles is at least promising to keep several programs going if he wins. Of course, politicians will promise just about anything to win and then have no problem backing out, so who knows?

  22. Thank you.
    Like the humour, wry and to the point!

  23. Kepler Says:

    Muy bien escrito, Miguel. Gracias. Lo pasé a varios.

  24. Andres F Says:

    Interesting post. Like you say “Spare change compared to a Sukhoi jet fighter”, so despite the governments blatant robbery, this is much better in comparison.

    Antonio: I’m sure if F. Williams didn’t take it from Chavez he would’ve taken it from any other worthless source.

  25. Milton Says:

    I could have not said it better. Great post Miguel. If Maldonado is so good he should be able to get private sponsors to pay Williams…

  26. deananash Says:

    OUCH! Miguel, you have a well-deserved reputation as an investigative journalist, and you’ve never been afraid to point out the absurdities of the “revolution”, but who knew you could do biting, sarcastic social commentary so well?

  27. Deanna Says:

    Yon had it right all along!! However, this is what the average Venezuelan wants: pan y circo and, in my opinion, really insignificant accomplishments. I would have been excited if a true scientist, backed by the government through IVIC, had won the Nobel for an important contribution to science or technology or a major writer had won the Nobel Prize for Literature.

  28. The hugely ironic thing is that other athletes which are aligned with the government ahemdanielalarrealahem arent receiving any money. Poor athletes…they thought that by being pro government they would receive funding…until they dont. But guess what…even sucking up to the wonderful governemnt doesnt guarantee a thing since everything is done on a whim! Surprise surprise.

  29. Roberto N Says:

    If they are guaranteeing hotel rooms in Monaco, at this late date then they must have been cooking this for a while.

    One of the hardest things to obtain in Monaco the week of the race is a hotel room, at any price.

    At the prices offered in the ad, I’m guessing they are staying 2 hours from the Principality, minimo.

    Well and truly another Bolivarian triumph, Miguel. You couldn’t have said it better.

  30. Antonio Says:

    As I was watching the race, the British commentators were saying that it was going to be very difficult for a lackluster thirdwordly novice to win the race. The pressure was going to be too much! I knew from the start of the race that a child of the Revolution was not going to be in awe of some Spaniard driving a red car behind him, for reasons you mention. It didn´t matter whether he won or lost. Prestige, honor, wasdat? Pastor already has all the money and privileges he wants. It is not difficult to win a race with this mindset, I knew from the start that Pastor was going to win the race. The real shame in all this is Frank Williams accepting the money from Chavez´ Venezuela, knowing that the deal was questionable, to say the least. They shouldn´t have banned tobaco advertising in F1 to replace it with sponsorship from 21st century revolutionaries, dictators and worse.

    The party in Monaco is going to be good, whether Pastor wins or comes last.

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