Revolutionary toothpaste, made by Israeli company

August 15, 2006

A couple of days ago I had said that the MVR Deputy to the National Assembly Belkis Solis was simply lying when she said that the name of the toothpaste distributed in the Mercal chain of markets had the name “Ten million smiles” only coincidentally, as well as lying when she said it was made by a coop and equally telling a made up story when she said the name was the result of a study that said that ten million people don’t brush their teeth in Venezuela. I found this also insulting given the levels of personal care that Venezuelans at all levels have always exhibited.

Well, I had information at the time that said this was all lies and that this toothpaste was not made by a coop but by a private company. Well, today I had confirmation about this, as well as the news appearing in Tal Cual (page 6). Indeed the tootpaste is made by Tropical Degil Industries, an Israeli company, which markets it under the name “Tropical” in Venezuela and has been sued all over the place for making their tubes look like Colgate. Maybe she thought it was made at a kibbutz?

Ironic that such a revolutionary product, distributed via the revolutionary chain of markets, happens to be made by a company from the country that Chavez in his “revolutionary” fervor recently decided to break realtionships with, no? It just goes to prove how money flows in the best capitalistic style in the “pretty” revolution.

One Response to “Revolutionary toothpaste, made by Israeli company”

  1. Pamela VanMeer may have even more to the story at 6. What about firing the powers that be who worked there and turned a blind eye to issues. I can’t presume that Alan Cavel will squeak by means of this, nor am i able to , or will I think that nurses who ended up in command of models around PSWs will be allowed to preserve their jobs. Or should we keep on being client before the police complete their investigations? Unbelievable what we observed on online video. Makes us question what we’ve not looked at and what other unfortunate people have needed to endure for the hands of monsters. Allows hope that every one who blew the whistle will occur forth and expose all all those so identified as “higher ups” Lets also hope which the Hydromorph that was recorded in Mrs Masons chart when it had been not approved for her cannot be found when she died which her physique might be exhumed to understand. . What a horror tale in our individual back again lawn. Sustain the nice operate CHEX.

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