Writers Block About The Absurdity Venezuela Has Become.

August 19, 2013


So, Maduro wants to fight corruption. Where should I begin?: Antonini, Illaramendi, Giordani/Fonden, Bolivar 2000, Fernandez Barrueco, Arné Chacón, Argentinean Bonds, Structured Notes, PDVAL, Chávez family, and dozens of posts on similar and equivalent subjects, over and over and over.

I can’t write about that, already did. Too many times.

Maybe I should write about a Constituent Assembly. Yeah! We need another Constitution, because the 26 we have had since the first one in 1811 have not worked. So, is it the Constitution or is it us?

Really, thirty years ago Venezuela had the most advanced (and complex) anti-corruption law, but Maduro needs magical powers, Harry Potter-like powers, all of a sudden and the opposition may need (or not) a new Constitution. Give me a Voldemort break!

Look, the 2000 Constitution may not be perfect, but why not try to follow it to the letter for four years and see what happens?

Look, democracy is hard, you really have to work at it, every single day. It is not a matter of just getting elected. You have to talk, negotiate, find the middle ground. Include everyone. Not Carreño, everyone that is representative. I draw the line with him.

Want to fight corruption? Name a Comptroller that everyone respects, both sides. If that person does not exist, then we really have problems, don’t we?

You think that even if you get elected, the other side will control the Government? Oh well, nobody said this is easy, but how about working hard for the country for a while? Earn each piece, one step at a time. That would be nice, no?

Because you may object to the 2000 Constitution, but hey, it is no better, nor worse than the other 26. You mean to tell me that none of the 26 were any good? Then we are screwed, don’t you think? Maybe it is something up there at the neuron level that makes us believe that ideology can fix everything. Try it next time your car breaks down. Well, I take that back, I am sure a true hard core socialist could prove a Lada is easier to fix, even if it breaks down more often.

But talking about all these things is easier than talking about the Vice-President of Fascism with a  capital “F” Jorge Arreaza, saying that everyone that is against Maduro’s Enabling Bill is suspect of being corrupt. To begin with, look at yourself, anyone that is suspect of being Vice-President just because of who he married, is then suspect too. No? Agree?

More so, nothing, absolutely nothing, qualifies you for any of the positions you have held. Only two words: Rosa Virginia. Because you have a degree in European Studies which would qualify you, at best, to a mid level position in some bureaucracy in Europe, where I am sure you would serve Venezuela better than in the Ministry of Science or in your current position. BTW, you spent a few hundred million dollars on that Chinese satellite but forgot the local antennas. So, we don’t get to use them, because you were clueless. Under current Venezuelan law, that happens to be corruption. Read it, you may be enlightened, but it says you should be in jail. Four hundred million dollars is a lot of money, even for rich Chavistas.

So, I don’t know what to write about, It’s writers block. I wanted to alliterate the title: Corruption, Constituent, Cambio, Compliance, Conciencias, Comptroller, Corpoelec, Censorship, Central, Cilia, Chavismo, Cruz Weffer, Chacón, Cadivi, Carreño, Cabello, Chávez…

No, it just would not work. Simply Writer’s Block about this absurdity Venezuela has become.

57 Responses to “Writers Block About The Absurdity Venezuela Has Become.”

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  13. 脱衣视频 Says:

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  22. William Ashley Says:

    Exactamente, here someone http://www.0ut-there.blogspot.com/

  23. vzlapolitics Says:

    what is this about Arreaza buying a Chinese satellite but forgetting the local antennas? do you have a source for this?

    • moctavio Says:

      It was in the papers. The second Chinese satellite was purchased and paid for and it was supposed to be accompanied by purchasing and buidling two antennas I think it was so that the satellites could be monitored from Venzuela and locals could used the remote sensing capabilities of the satellites. Six months after the satellite was launched, the construction of these antennas had not began, I dont know if they have done anything. Victor Suarez from Inside Telecom reported about this in El Universal and in Tal Cual.

  24. Pedro Says:

    It is frustrating to see how Venezuela has become such a BIZARRE country, where in the news you read of MEGA Projects being planned and “executed” by the many ministries, without any control and oversight. Every “enchufado” like Capriles has come to name them (one right thing for him), acts and spends money of ALL venezuelans at their own will. In the meantime, the people fight over cans of milk, toilet paper, and other food in the grocery stores. I wonder how this all is going to end and sadly I see no solution to this other than civil war. One day, hopefully soon, the people will get fed up and sick of all these inept crooks and will take them out by force. Unfortunately, votes will not do it. And the reason is the CNE is controlled by the Cuban G2 and the “enchufados”. For mi no point for Venezuelans to participate in elections anymore.
    see this interview Bayly make to Agustin Blanco Munoz…

  25. […] be some similar events in the United States?  In Venezuela, the situation is bad enough to cause writer’s block. Much the same happened in Egypt when now deposed President Morsi was “democratically […]

  26. Crystal Says:

    it’s the same sentiments and feelings on the other side of the fence, the one tasked with dealing with your problem. If you look at the 20th century, same shit.

  27. carlos aguilera Says:

    Venezuela…a cesspool in every respect, but who cares anymore?

  28. Gerry Says:

    Every person on this planet has an ability to care for themselves (and their children or aged elders) if they are allowed to do so. Sometimes we act in harmony with others to meet our common gaols. Socialism, in all its forms, prevents this. The basic concept is alluring, but fundementally prohibits anyone from making a profit. The only thing I own is my time and how to use it, also my mind, to make plans (at this God would laugh as he/she have their own plans). I’m not doomed to my own thoughts, or so I believe.
    Venezuela is a most beautiful nation, along with its people, I have had the privalage to live in this country with my wife, who was born in Caracas, (I am Irish) for a number of years, and whom I love with all my heart. I see the state of corruption and criminal neglect of those who are the sworn up-holders of all that matters in the agreement.
    The agreement is the “Constitution”. All citizens made a contract between ‘themselves’ as to how they should be governed. The current government has refused to honor that agreement especially the Supreme Court as it should be seperated by law only and its constituonal mandate.
    The United Kingdom does not have a constitution but its behaviours are based on law – only law is relevant. It is an excelent model.
    “I think therefore I am” is not a good expression regarding sentience but better is “I think and do”.
    Dont cry for me Venezuela – I love you.

    God bless us all said Tiny Tim (Dickens).

  29. Douglas Says:

    I hear you Bruni. Disenchanted, leaderless and with the general population not seeming to really care…….How to get out of this rut?. In the meantime the rest of the world flashes by…..

    • moctavio Says:

      Life flashes by too and the country gets bigger and poorer and no solution is being worked on for practically anything.

  30. Bruni Says:

    Someone wrote in my blog that it has been too long since I last wrote. He is write, but I feel exactly like you, Miguel. What else is new?

    So glad that you FINALLY read Harry Potter 🙂

    Great post.

  31. […] transformation” of America into a banana republic. Banana Republic? Where might that be? Here's an article pertinent to Venezuela, but not only to Venezuela. It deals with Chavista-induced writer's cramp. […]

  32. Mick Says:

    Why not have a separate page on your blog listing every expropriation you have ever heard of (with a very very short description). Let the replies fill in the details so you don’t have to do too much work.

    It wouldn’t hurt if you turned the static into separate songs.

  33. Antonio Says:

    A lot of what is happening is consistent with the 50+1 theory. The people in power must win elections, but only by the smallest of margins, according to “game theory”.

    “In a democracy, to win you need a majority, but you don’t want a lot more than 50-percent-plus-one, because if your majority gets bigger, you have to share the spoils with more supporters. That’s no good. So the natural process is to produce division.”

    The mechanisms are well knwn: control of the electoral power, hand-outs, discrediting the opposition with the threat of jail, etc. The Maduro circus is probably only a political strategy to stay in power while minimizing the costs.

    The good of the Nation? Very well, thank you.


    • TV Says:

      In a democracy, a 50+1 majority is thin and you’ll hardly control the country or be able to stay in power.

      A democracy is much, MUCH more than a ballot box every few years. The ballot box is essential, yes, but it’s nowhere near the whole thing.

  34. Douglas Says:

    I agree with you in that the “constitution” is not the reason for our problems “per se”, (as the previous one wasn’t either). From my point of view a new constituent assembly serves the purpose of resetting the institutions by getting rid of the chavista incompetent appointees just like Chavez did to get rid of any kind of checks and balances by refounding his Republic. If that would work is another matter but an opposition government with the current state of the critical state institutions is a non-starter.

  35. firepigette Says:


    Your feelings are totally understood.The feeling many have now is of utter despair and lacking in hope, or ideas.

    This is why I think it is a good time to brain storm about the only thing left that is relevant: ” the why”

    As far as I can see there is still a lot of confusion about what created this situation and what has to change in order to correct it.

    Until we can see the reasons ‘why’ of something, the solutions are not in reach.Sometimes looking at a microcosm, representative of a culture can illuminate and bring more clarity to a current situation.

    As for what to do at this point, maybe that will become more obvious when deeper questions are answered.

    • Gerry Says:

      Every person on this planet has an ability to care for themselves (and their children or aged elders) if they are allowed to do so. Sometimes we act in harmony with others to meet our common gaols. Socialism, in all its forms, prevents this. The basic concept is alluring, but fundementally prohibits anyone from making a profit. The only thing I own is my time and how to use it, also my mind, to make plans (at this God would laugh as he/she have their own plans). I’m not doomed to my own thoughts, or so I believe.
      Venezuela is a most beautiful nation, along with its people, I have had the privalage to live in this country with my wife, who was born in Caracas, (I am Irish) for a number of years, and whom I love with all my heart. I see the state of corruption and criminal neglect of those who are the sworn up-holders of all that matters in the agreement.
      The agreement is the “Constitution”. All citizens made a contract between ‘themselves’ as to how they should be governed. The current government has refused to honor that agreement especially the Supreme Court as it should be seperated by law only and its constituonal mandate.
      The United Kingdom does not have a constitution but its behaviours are based on law – only law is relevant. It is an excelent model.
      “I think therefore I am” is not a good expression regarding sentience but better is “I think and do”.
      Dont cry for me Venezuela – I love you.

      God bless us all said Tiny Tim (Dickens).

  36. @LeonaCaraquista Says:

    Aplausos Miguel! You have writer’s block and I have nationality block. Don’t want to be venezuelan. Don’t want my kids to be venezuelan. Not like this… Sad.

  37. Charly Says:

    “Corruption, Constituent, Cambio, Compliance, Conciencias, Comptroller, Corpoelec, Censorship, Central, Cilia, Chavismo, Cruz Weffer, Chacón, Cadivi, Carreño, Cabello, Chávez…Cagada!

  38. Kepler Says:

    OT but not so OT:
    I wrote a first draft of an article on FONDEN for Wikipedia:
    It is just a start. Could someone translate it or part of it into English? I will do the same into German and then I will link from different articles about Venezuela’s economy and history within the different WIKIPEDIA’s.
    We need to link and structure as much as we can all this data.
    Notice: the Wikipedia article is rather neutral as one needs to comply with Wikipedia’s policies. Still, the more articles there are about it, the clear the whole case of Chavista corruption becomes.

  39. concerned Says:

    In a post where you claim writer’s block, you said it all. As always, excellent post.

  40. jctt Says:

    Great article

    Look, the 2000 Constitution may not be perfect, but why not try to follow it to the letter for four years and see what happens?

    Well for starters we need a constitution that at least set the foundation of a system where individual rights are respected and guaranteed in every aspect of our lives.

    Furthermore, the current one states that collective rights trumps individual rights, in and of itself, it might seems innocuous and commonsense, but it leaves too much room for Bureaucrats to enact laws and regulations that undermines current aspect of the constitution for the greater good for a greater amount of people, which was the cornerstone for most of the policy of the Chavez’s administration, Expropriation. In the end, no one had received a substantial benefit from this policies other than the people related with the current authorities.

    That’s just one of the reasons, but there is so much room for anyone to interpret the constitution, but only the man in charge will interpret the constitution as he see fit, for personal gain and that of the ruling party.

    • I think individual rights are pretty much protected in the Constitution. From Art. 19 to 61 it does that, it is just a matter of whether those in power believe in it or not to defend it and execute it. What the Constitution says about expropriations has not been followed. That has always been in the Constitution, before it was followed in those cases where it was needed for public works and the like.

  41. Kiozzo Says:


    Great post!!!!..Dark Humor!!! Can anybody articulate this in Spanish for the “uneducated masses (80% of the electorate vote)” without offending them?


  42. Ira Says:

    I can never read enough about the fish farm they expropriated awhile back. And the Iranian dairy processing plant where all the cows either died from snakes or lack of water, because of where they built it.

    Maybe you can do a Top 10 list–the funny blunders.

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