Chavez Seems To Be Appearing Everywhere

April 5, 2013


There is a second report of Chavez appearing in the form of an animal, as Bloomberg reports that the horse Revolutionary seen above winning the Louisiana Derby, may be the reincarnation of the Venezuelan President. The horse has raced three times, always ridden by a Venezuelan jockey (two different ones) and is one of the early favorites to win the Kentucky Derby.

In contrast with Maduro’s bird, which could have been born after March 5th., Revolutionary is a three year old horse and was actually winning races before the demise of the Venezuelan President, so that it is difficult to ascribe it as much veracity as to Maduro’s more realistic and believable apparition.

Of course, I am not that knowledgeable in terms of how this after life stuff works and whether the body and spirit are born at the same time or the spirit can pick and choose an already existing body to be carried in. But in any case, Revolutionary won its first two races before March 5th., so it seems as if Hugo may only have helped in the last race.

Fortunately, the horse will play no role on the election, as the Kentucky Derby takes place on May 4th. after the Venezuelan Presidential election.

22 Responses to “Chavez Seems To Be Appearing Everywhere”

  1. Ira Says:

    For some miraculous reason, we all of a sudden got Galavision on our cable system this weekend–and today I watched Capriles’ rally on Avenida Bolivar, followed by a special artists performance supporting him. (It was a replay of something that originally took place Friday.)

    The rally blew me away–the size of the crowds, neyond incredible. And I had no idea he could speak with such passion, although this kind of campaigning is still pretty off-putting to us 100% gringos.

    I wish I could get the full translation of it, because my wife was no help at all.

  2. bothebuilder Says:

    Chavez may well be a horse. He was certainly a big dick anyway.

  3. Gerry Says:

    In approximately 40 AD Chaves, the horse, first made his appearance.
    I admit he, as a horse, he has been dormant, but of course he may have manifested himself as other creatures. Who knows?
    Through the years there have been stories, for example St. Francis gave a sermon to the animals perhaps Chavez was there. Perhaps he’s the one who went to sleep in the middle of the sermon.
    In any event The Roman Emperor Caligula did modern Venezuelans a very deep disservice by treating the horse “Incitatus” (Chavez) as a demigod thus paving the way for all the horse manure of the last fourteen years.
    I am sure his next incarnation will be as a dung beetle.
    Instead of Maduro’s curse I would call God’s blessing on all Venezuelans who vote on the 14th., no matter who they vote for.

  4. Nebelwald Says:

    All these apparitions bring to mind one of my favourite comics featuring the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers. In this episode during a hard bout of drinking in a local watering hole one of them heaves most of his downed spirits and some more all over the floor of the premises. Lo and behold that within the great puddle of puke a figure of the Holy Virgin was to be found. The holy vomit was cordoned off and protected, and the Pub promptly became a destination for pilgrims. The shenanigans produced a pretty penny for all until in some fit it was destroyed. The details are best left undescribed, definitely not for the faint at heart. Our eyes see what we want to see ….. I am sure we will see El Pajarito in countless forms.

  5. Frank Says:

    ok, enough sillyness guys, what’s going on in Venezuela? According to La Patilla Capriles has risen 10 points in the polls…

  6. J. Jaramillo Says:

    Ha! The cherry on top is the name on the photo credit next to the Summary at the bottom of this article:

  7. Jose Says:

    Posesión demoníaca es como se denomina a un tipo de trastorno del comportamiento que se atribuye al apoderamiento del espíritu por uno o más demonios, que obra en el espiritu del sujeto como agente interno y unido con él. Desde el punto médico se considera un trastorno disociativo de la histeria. Ya que un caballo histerico no gana carreras, la tesis demonica debe ser considerada.

  8. jau Says:

    OT: Do you have a clue as to why the Venezuelan curve went up across the board while the market struggled? I heard that it was a swap of a big fish from pdv14 to pdv22 and pdv35… If that is true the guy/girl moved the market by himself.
    Did you hear any interesting news?

  9. arturbarrera Says:

    porqué no eres más directo y desenmascaras con nombres y apellidos. Para los menos duchos les es difícil interpretar este artículo

    • moctavio Says:

      No entiendo que quieres decir. No hay que ser ducho para leer o entender el articulo. Ahi esta el link al articulo original, no hay nadie a quien desenmascarar. El tono del articulo creo esta claro. Los demas lo entendieron.

  10. Ronaldo Says:

    “My guess is that if he were inhabiting the body of the horse, the horse would be fat, lazy and would be claiming victories for races he didn’t even run.”


    If I had a hog, I would name it Hugo Hogo.

  11. concerned Says:

    This may support my theory that he did actually pass away mid December during or shortly after the surgury.

    My guess is that if he were inhabiting the body of the horse, the horse would be fat, lazy and would be claiming victories for races he didn’t even run.

  12. Canadian Says:

    As long as he does not come back as a human species then i am OK with that. 🙂

  13. Charlie Says:

    If Chavez actually passed away at an earlier date, maybe he did reincarnate in the horse and that’s why it won those races prior to March 5th.

  14. Gordo Says:

    The sun came up this morning! Thanks Hugo!

    • NorskeDiv Says:

      Yeah, I was really worried about that as well. Without Hugo to make the sun rise all the crops would wither and die. I was about ready to make a human sacrifice if it didn’t rise on time!

  15. wanley Says:

    He also came back as a dog in the museum where his body is kept. No eagle yet.

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